Client Invoices

Client Invoices


This section allows Admins to manage invoices for both contractors and clients. Admins can review, edit, approve, and send invoices to clients or third parties.

Contractor Invoices

Admins can view, filter, and manage contractor invoices:

  • Filter by Contractor and Year: Quickly find invoices based on contractor and date range.
  • Invoice Status: Monitor whether invoices are paid, unpaid, canceled, or storno.

Client Invoices

Admins have the capability to:

  • Create New Invoices: Generate new invoices for clients.
  • Manage Invoice Details: Edit invoice details such as invoice number, due date, items, and discounts.
  • Send to ANAF: Admins can send invoices directly to the Romanian tax authority (ANAF) if necessary.


  • Contractor Invoice Table: [Insert screenshot showing the contractor invoice table].
  • Create Client Invoice Form: [Insert screenshot of the client invoice creation form].